My Seed Pods are indeed studies of and reactions to the wild world I am surrounded by. I live in the woods, in the Northwestern corner of the country, right next to the Salish Sea, the Puget Sound. I walk through the forest daily, to the northwest beach and I am amazed by the detail, design, texture and colors I observe in the wildness here. The pods sprouting from inside this outer husk are reminiscent of and inspired by the sea anemones in the Puget Sound region.
As I create these succulent plant forms in clay I begin with a slab of clay to be formed, I then arrange root, vine or seed formations of the plant allowing it to develop organically as i shape it into a seemingly growing, fertile figure. I form the pods, working toward the heart of the plant, instinctually feeling my way toward the seeds, then revealing the budding form I envision there, and finally, the plant blossoms with rich vibrant, alluring color.
I have been working with clay and expressing myself through clay throughout my life. I am obsessed with detail, and focus on describing it in both the form and surface texture of my clay work.
I balance my work between sculpted and wheel thrown forms, often enjoying the challenges of combining the vastly different techniques. It is my joy in life to express my wonder of the world in clay.
Other details about "Pods within Pod":
Sculpted from stonware clay, glaze and cold finish.
Wire attachment on the back and designed to hang on the wall with a nail or picture hook. Could also be set on table surface for display.
Measurements: 15" x 6" x 5"